Digestible e-Builder® News
Power Tools
Avicado’s Power Tools are built by e-Builder® experts with your needs in mind. Created to improve your experience with e-Builder®, leverage your time and increase your return on investment! Check them out here!

Take @ction
Need a way to involve someone to take action via email on a process?

Want a process to hold until all spawned processes are completed?

Process Editor
Need to edit and/or act on many processes at once?

Custom Web Layout
Want more robust layout options on your workflow?

Process Import
Need a process to be auto-initiated on a regular basis?

Procore Connector
Need a way to integrate with Procore?
e-Builder® Module Breakdown
Get a slice of Schedule
Purpose: The planning module is for Directors or Program Managers to evaluate future projected spending along with current spending at a high level.
Benefit: This allows businesses to maximize return on investment and ensure financial resources are being used most effectively
Key required elements: Active projects, planned projects/scenarios, and funding
- Inputs and Responsible Parties:
- e-Builder® schedule is for Owner’s schedule, not the Contractor’s.
- Schedule Manager – user responsible for managing the schedule in e-Builder®.
- Task Resource – users can be assigned to specific tasks in the schedule.
- Master Tasks – Used for reporting across projects.
- Direct entry, apply template, or import functionality
- Cash Flow can be linked to schedule
Leftover Bites
Dashboard views: Do you prefer classic or compass?

Use classic view for:
* Compact and smaller font
* Less scrolling

Use compass view for:
* Cleaner look
* Bigger images/font
Featured e-Builder® Consultant
Rebecca Fiorentino – System Administrator
Rebecca focuses on conducting trainings and responding to client questions and requests within ASK, Avicado’s proprietary e-Builder® help desk. Prior to joining the Avicado team, she garnered over five years of experience as a consultant specializing in system implementations.
Avicado Toast from e-Builder® Experts
Avicado Toast is produced by Avicado Construction Technology Services. With over $50 billion dollars in managed projects and clients in the Fortune 500, we know a thing or two about Improving your experience with e-Builder™. To learn more about Avicado Services visit ** www.avicado.com.