Meet the Avicado Team

Executive Leadership Team

Avidahn Levin


matt osborne avicado vp marketing salesMatt Osborne vp marketing sales avitar

Matthew Osborne

Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Molly Levin

Vice President of People and Talent

Cole Brickley vp operations construction consultancy

Cole Brickley

Vice President of Operations

Team Directors

rebecca software consultant

Rebecca Fiorentino

Director of e-Builder Services

William-Kuntemeier director procore consulting servicesWilliam Kuntemeier procore consultant

Will Kuntemeier

Director of Procore Services

Maria Signore Becker

Director of Advisory Services

mike rubin avicado managing consultantmike rubin avicado avitar

Mike Rubin

Director of Program Support Services

Procore Consulting Team

William-Kuntemeier director procore consulting servicesWilliam Kuntemeier procore consultant

Will Kuntemeier

Director of Procore Services

justin mitchell avicado procore consultantjustin mitchell avicado consultant

Justin Mitchell

Managing Consultant

Coleman Hendricks

Senior Analyst

Marisa Milos


e-Builder Consulting Team

rebecca software consultant

Rebecca Fiorentino

Director of e-Builder Services

Daniel Gerardo

Managing Consultant

josh mesa avicado consultantjosh construction software consultant

Josh Mesa

Managing Consultant

mateusz avicado consultantMateusz Piczura managing consultant

Mateusz Piczura

Managing Consultant

Business Intelligence & Data Science Team

Justin Seymour

Technical Director

lissa peterson data science consultantLissa Peterson Data Science Consultant

Lissa Peterson

Senior Consultant

sang gyu lee avicado analystSang Gyu Lee data analyst

Sang Gyu Lee


Luke Kelley

Senior Consultant

System Integrations Team

Ian Hilder

Director of Integration Services

Stephen VanRossem

Senior Consultant

Lewis Allard sharepoint consultantLewis Allard avicado consultant

Lewis Allard

Microsoft 365 Developer

Bill Duncan boomi integration consultantbill duncan avicado analyst avitar

Bill Duncan

Integrations Consultant

Advisory Services Team

Maria Signore Becker

Director of Advisory Services

Dan Edge consulting program director

Dan Edge

Senior Consultant

courtney sallas construction program consultantCourtney Sallas Avicado Procore Consulting

Courtney Sallas


Program Support Services

mike rubin avicado managing consultantmike rubin avicado avitar

Mike Rubin

Director of Program Support Services

shagun kumar M365 consultantShagun-Kumar avicado consultant

Shagun Kumar

Senior Microsoft 365 Developer

olivia barrett avicado consultant avitar

Olivia Barrett

Managing Consultant

Andreas Rossler

Technical Writer

People and Talent Team

Molly Levin

Vice President of People and Talent

jackie edge culture consultant

Jackie Edge

Culture and Engagement Consultant

Shannon MacNeil consultant

Shannon MacNeil

People and Performance Specialist

Gabi Montesdeoca talent acquisition construction consulting

Gabi Montesdeoca

Talent & Acquisition Coordinator

Operations Team

Cole Brickley vp operations construction consultancy

Cole Brickley

Vice President of Operations

brian swanick operations consultantBrian Swanick integrations engineer avitar

Brian Swanick

Business Operations Manager

Stefanie Furman

Accounting & Finance Manager

James Nelson

IT Manager

Sales and Marketing Team

matt osborne avicado vp marketing salesMatt Osborne vp marketing sales avitar

Matthew Osborne

Vice President of Sales & Marketing

Christy Hunt

Marketing Director

Jillian Hayes Avicado ConsultantJillian Hayes construction consultant

Jillian Hayes

Director of Solution Development

Nick Caravella Avicado Product Manager

Nick Caravella

Industry Thought Leadership

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